How To: Perform a backside rail grab on a surfboard

Perform a backside rail grab on a surfboard

Surfing: Hang Ten

The ocean is a force of nature that refuses any effort to tame it. To throw one's self on the mercy of this beast is a courageous act. With the help of this trick guide, you can learn to harness that power and push your water-borne adventures to new heights. See how to
perform a backside rail grab on a surfboard.

Trick: Backside Rail Grab
Difficulty: Hard

1. The backside rail grab is useful in tube riding and getting through large sections of white water (aka foam).
2. A surfer will be riding backside (back of his body charging forth) and lower his center of gravity.
3. Dropping the knee and grab the rail and lean forward on a small tube,
4. Or, lean back dragging your hand in the water, while holding the rail on a big tube
5. Until the tube concludes, and you make it through the white water - then you continue on riding.

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